Open day and "Fly Out" Alouette III - Impression #1 | © Pixabay kostenlos

Open day and "Fly Out" Alouette III

Kaserne Aigen

UWAGA! Event już miał miejsce.

The official farewell - the ‘Fly Out’ of the Alouette 111 - will take place on 24 May at the Aigen barracks. The Austrian Armed Forces cordially invite all interested parties to an open day and an extensive ceremony.

09:00 Start of the open day
10:00 a.m. "Fly Out" Alouette III ceremony
14:30 hrs Flight demonstration
17:30 Barracks party

Kaserne Aigen

Kaserne Aigen
Ketten 1/40
8943 Aigen im Enntal
+43 3682 222450